Copyright, Attribution and Licenses
If you notify us ( of the copyright infringing website, application address or link, we will be willing to assist you in removing the copyrighted content and media.
However, the codenfast group does not accept any responsibility for users using the Codenfast system. Legally, all responsibility belongs to the user, and he can give information to provide reconciliation and contact information. Legal proceedings will take place between the user and the copyright holder, and the codenfast group and systems will not be present as a legal party in any way, since they reject all responsibilities during this process.
Media Type Licenses and Attributions
1. PxHere
Most of the photos are provided by PxHere. All images defined in the system are subject to CC0 license. There are no pictures taken outside of this license. We would like to thank all the publishers who took pictures of the content and shared their works, and to PxHere for publishing these works free of charge.
2. Iconfinder
Most of the icons are provided by IconFinder. All images defined in the system are subject to CC0 license. There are no images taken out of this license. We would like to thank all publishers and IconFinder for their free and creative content.
In the sets used;
2.1. Socialcones by smartSense Consulting solutions Pvt Ltd
Copyright, Attribution and Licenses
2.2. Emoji 66 by Oradee Jingpo
Copyright, Attribution and Licenses
2.3. Web UI Color by Julia Osadcha
Copyright, Attribution and Licenses
2.4. Circle Icons by Nick Roach
Copyright, Attribution and Licenses
Free license used. Brand package has not been used for any institution, project or application. License limits are used as CC4 and MIT. Thanks to the Font Awesome project with its free icon library
All HTML5 UP! as it offers the best html5 website templates available with completely free and responsive designs! We would like to thank the website and the people and teams that created the templates.
With the MIT license; Thank you for distributing the best Angular component library available with completely free and responsive designs. In addition, we would like to thank all PrimeFaces library supporters for supporting them with free themes. No paid content and media from the Primefaces library has been used and no enhancements have been made.
Software and Framework Type Licenses and Attributions
1. Oracle
Java and Oracle Database are used by Oracle and are used within the relevant individual restrictions; Enterprise level features and functions are not used. The usage areas are only within the limits of the Oracle license, and if the customer or the customer requests; These services are provided by purchasing a license that is completely unrelated to codenfast. Codenfast certainly does not deviate from this standard, free and redistributable license.
Detailed Information for Java License; Oracle Java Use License
Detailed Information for Oracle Database License: Oracle Database Usage License
2. PostgreSQL
Open source database is used with GNU license. There is no development on it.
3.Microsoft SQL Server (Express)
It is used as closed source. Enterprise level features and functions are not used. The usage areas are only within the limits of the SQL Server Express license, if the customer or the customer requests; These services are provided by purchasing a license that is completely unrelated to codenfast. Codefast certainly does not go beyond the free and redistributable license provided by this express version.
Javascript Framework developed by Google with MIT License is used. It has not been developed.
With the Spring Boot framework, application development processes are reduced to simple and easy, and at the same time, easy code maintenance and support is provided. Spring boot, which continues with a large community, has made a great contribution to the world of java and has brought eye-opening innovations. We thank you.
Thanks to all ThymeLeaf library supporters with its open source java Server Side Rendering solution, as an HTML compiler solution to the very useful and fast JSP library, even after years
It is used under the Apache 2.0 license. We would like to thank Apache and all Apache supporters for the projects, libraries and codes developed by the Apache foundation.
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